Kochi, Japan
Kochi is a pivotal city in the central part of Kochi, Japan as well as a central city near the Pacific side of Shikoku. The west and the north are surrounded by mountains. A rich field of rice stretches along the east and the south borders the Pacific through Urado Bay.
About 46% of the Kochi district population is concentrated in Kochi city, which performs a role as a consumer and distribution city as a regional service center. The city is active in industries (cement·iron making·shipbuilding·machinery·food) and fisheries.
General Information
- Date of friendship agreement: November 9, 2012 (Exchanged signatures for letter of intent for friendship exchange on October 16, 2003)
- Location: Central city of Kochi in the south-central part of Shikoku, Japan
- Population: 335,991
- Area: 309.22㎢
- Average temperature: 17.6℃ / Average precipitation: 3,093㎜
- Educational facilities: 86 schools (4 universities, 16 high schools, 24 middle schools, 42 elementary schools)
- Key industries: Forestry, horticulture, food manufacturing
- Industrial structure: Primary (3.8%), secondary (13.2%), tertiary (82.3%)
- Festivals: Kochi Castle Festival, Yosakoi Festival
- Specialty products: Japanese cedar, citron, bonito
Sisterhood status of private organizations
- Jan. 16, 2013: Mokpo Scouts ⇔ Kochi Scouts
Exchanges and current status
- (2003) Exchanged signatures for letter of intent for friendship exchange between Mokpo and Kochi
- (2007) Participated in the 9th INAP 2007 Kochi General Assembly
- (2007) Construction companies of Kochi visited Mokpo
- (2012) Mayor of Kochi visited Mokpo for event commemorating the 100th year of Mrs. Yun Hakja’s Birthday
- (2012) Visited Japanese event for commemorating the 100th year of Mrs. Yun Hakja’s Birthday; signed friendship exchange agreement between Mokpo and Kochi
- (2013) Deputy Mayor and delegation of Kochi visited Mokpo
- (2014) Kochi Scouts members visited Mokpo
- (2015) Interested persons from Kochi participated in the 2015 INAP Mokpo General Assembly